TopicSpine‣Usually affect which level?‣What is a cold abscess?‣What is the classical deformity?‣What XR features?‣What investigations? What stain?‣What is the difference in MRI for Infection vs Tumor vs TB?‣What are the types of bone destruction on CT scan?‣What signs are you looking for on imaging in childhood TB?‣What are the Stages of Pott paraplegia?‣What is the pathogenesis of Hematogenous spread mets/ infection/ TB to spine? Usually which part affected first?‣What is the reason for this sequence of stages?‣How can you classify TB spine?‣What does TB chemotherapy consist off? Side effects?‣Mx for complicated TB?‣Surgical principles?‣What approach?‣Primary instrumentation for TB Spine?‣What are the causes of late onset neurological deficit after healed TB?