TopicPaeds Ortho‣How do you approach this case?‣Painful vs painless torticollis?‣What are you looking for in history‣What are the other packaging disorders? [Top to bottom]‣Physical exam?‣What is the most common cause of torticollis?‣What investigation?CONGENITAL MUSCULAR TORTICOLLIS‣Which direction does the head tilt?‣What is the management?‣What surgical management? What nerveATLANTOAXIAL ROTATORY DISPLACEMENT (AARD)‣What is AARD?‣Which direction does the head tilt in AARD?‣What is the most common cause of AARD?‣Other causes of AARD?‣What will you see on Dynamic CT?‣What is the classification of AARD?‣Management of AARD?‣How do you do Halter traction?