TopicHip‣What are the advantages of a MOM resurfacing?‣Disadvantages of MOM hip?‣What is the cause of ARMD?‣What would make a patient high risk for ARMD?‣Why the apparent contradiction in head size for hip resurfacing and THR?‣How will you approach a painful MOM hip?‣Follow up for a MOM hip?‣How do you screen for ARMD in patients with MOM hip?‣What is the classification for MRI findings in Metallic hips?‣Do you need to excise every pseudotumor?‣What do you expect to find intraop?‣How will you revise a MOM hip?HIP RESURFACING‣Why do People still do Hip resurfacing?‣What are the indications and Contraindications for Hip resurfacing?‣Complications of hip resurfacing?‣Risk factors for hip resurfacing failure?