TopicPaeds OrthoUpdated‣What is cerebral palsy?‣What are the causes?‣What are the types of CP?‣How can you classify CP?‣What are the predictors of walking? {poor predictors?]‣How do you know if this is spasticity or contracture? How do you interprete?‣What are the general principles of CP management?‣In general how do you manage contractures?‣What treatment is contraindicated in athetotic CP?CP HIP‣Where is the deficiency? As compared to DDH?‣Why does the hip dislocate posteriorly? Why only one side is dislocated?‣What is the screening process for CP hip?‣Which kinds of CP get Hip dislocation?‣How can you classify CP Hip? ‣How can you differentiate CP Hip/ DDH/ Perthes‣Investigations other than XR?‣What is the management of CP Hip?‣What are the Salvage procedures?CP GAIT‣What is the natural progression of Diplegic CP gait? Management of each?‣How Does the GRAFO work?‣What are the types of gastroc lengthening? ‣Which type of gastroc lengthening will you use?‣What is the natural progression of hemiplegic CP gait? Management of each?CP Scoliosis‣What are the risk factors for CP scoliosis?‣Mx of CP scoliosis‣Surgical management of CP Scoliosis?‣Outcomes of surgery?‣Will you correct the scoliosis first or fix the hip first?CP Foot‣What are the types of Foot deformities in CP?‣How to you examine a CP child's foot?‣What is the most common foot deformity in Diplegic CP?‣Pathoanatomy of equinoplanovalgus?‣Surgical management for Diplegic CP foot?‣What is the most common foot deformity in hemiplegic CP?‣Pathoanatomy of equinocavovarus?‣Surgical management of equinocavovarus?‣What is the confusion test?CP UL‣What is the classical deformities of CP Upper limb?