TopicSpineHipUpdated‣What is Ankylosing Spondylitis?‣What is DISH?‣Difference between DISH and AS?‣What are the stages of Ankylosing spondylitis?‣Why is there osteopenia in Ankylosing Spondylitis?‣How will you assess this patient History?‣What is the diagnostic criteria For ankylosing spondylitis?‣What do you see on the XR? What special lesions? How to differentiate from DISH?‣Difference between syndesmophytes vs osteophytes?‣What other tests?‣How can you confirm the source of patient's pain?‣How do you do a THR for AS patient? [Not fused]‣How do you do a THR for AS patient [Fused]?‣Controversy - is Hip THR or spine fusion first?‣How does a stiff spine increase risk of Hip dislocation?‣What if i tell you this patient does not have AS? What other causes?Scenario 2: AS Spine Trauma? (also applicable to DISH spine)‣What investigation if XR normal?‣Management principles for this injury?‣What is the surgery plan? What considerations?Scenario 3 AS Spine Kyphosis‣Indications for kyphosis correction?‣What are the 3 osteotomy options for Kyphosis? Any other considerations?