TopicKneePodcastUpdated‣Causes of valgus knee‣What do you look for in physical exam?‣Invx for valgus knee?‣What classification for Valgus knee?‣How will you do the valgus knee TKR?‣What are the downsides of a medial parapatellar approach?‣What is your sequence of release in valgus Knee?‣How do you release the ITB based on Ranawat technique?‣What specifically do you release if tight in flexion or extension?‣How will you manage post op CPN palsy?‣Must you correct the valgus deformity? [How can you reduce CPN palsy risk?]‣What percentage will recover?‣What to do if there is delayed foot drop?‣Any difference between medial or lateral approach?‣Any difference between PS or CR knee in RA knee?‣Any difference in survival in normal OA vs RA TKR?‣Why PCL may not be affected in RA knee?