TopicSpinePodcastUpdated‣What is the Denis Column theory? ‣Why put C-collar when lumbar spine injury?‣Will you get MRI of whole spine?‣How will you classify this injury?OSTEOPOROTIC COMPRESSION FRACTURES‣What investigations?‣Management of compression fracture?‣Evidence for cementoplasty?‣How will you treat this elderly compression fracture?‣Patient was treated non op. 2 months later, presents with acute pain and CES symptoms. What has happened?‣How does cementoplasty work in compression #?‣What is the difference between Kyphoplasty vs Vertebroplasty‣Technique tips for cementoplasty?‣Complications of cementoplasty?BURST FRACTURES‣What are XR features of burst fracture?‣Why does neurology not correlate with severity on imaging?‣What cord structures are also injured?‣Management for BURST + SOLITARY RADICULOPATHY?‣Is bracing required for stable burst fracture?‣If brace what kind of brace?‣Surgical principles for burst fracture?‣Burst Fractures - How to decide Posterior or need to add anterior procedure?‣Open vs MIS?‣Short (1 up 1 down) vs Long (2 up 2 down) segment fusion for burst fracture?‣Do you need fusion/ arthrodesis in burst fracture?‣Do we need to remove implants if you ORIF?CHANCE FRACTURE‣What is a chance fracture?‣Associated injuries?‣Surgical principles for chance fractures?‣Any difference between bony and ligamentous chance injury?