TopicPaeds OrthoPodcastUpdated‣What is the deformity in SCFE?‣What layer of Physis does this occur?‣Risk Factors for SCFE?‣Classic patient?‣How will you assess clinically?‣How do you classify SCFE?‣What investigations and what signs on XR? ‣What kind of lateral XR to do?‣How will you manage SCFE?‣How do you ensure screw is not in joint?‣When do you consider contralateral pinning?‣What are the complications of SCFE?‣How do you know there is chondrolysis?‣Limited ROM due to FAI as late sequelae. How do you manage?‣How does SCFE lead to hip dysplasia?CONTROVERSIES IN SCFE‣Timing?‣Number of screws?‣SCFE - Number of threads for screw across physis? ‣Type of screw?‣Role of capsulotomy?‣Role of reduction?‣Screw removal?‣Any evidence for insitu pinning vs open reduction?‣How long do you follow up for?