TopicHand TraumaPodcastUpdated‣What is the blood supply of the scaphoid?‣Why is scaphoid prone to AVN?‣Which part of scaphoid is fractured most commonly?‣What are the risks of non union based on location?‣What is humpback deformity?‣What are the 5 special Scaphoid views?SCENARIO: ACUTE FRACTURE‣What advanced imaging for no fracture on XR? Which better?‣What is the classification?‣What kind of cast? Does the thumb need to be immobilized?‣What is the management for UNDISPLACED WAIST (Herbet stable) Scaphoid fracture?‣What is the management of DISPLACED WAIST Scaphoid fracture?‣ What are the approaches to the scaphoid?‣Describe the volar approach to scaphoid?‣Which approach for which kind of fracture/ nonunion?SCENARIO: NONUNION/ AVNScaphoid non union - old‣When is considered non union?‣What are the stages of nonunion?‣How do you investigate nonunion?‣What does AVN look like on XR?‣How do you know there is AVN vs just non union? What advanced imaging?‣What is the Diagnostic criteria for avascular necrosis on MRI with contrast?‣How does presence of AVN affect your management?‣What is your post op plan after fixation for AVN and Non union?‣Does AVN always require VBG?‣Which approach for which kind of fracture/ nonunion? SNAC Wrist‣How do you classify SNAC [Scaphoid Nonunion Advanced Collapse] wrist?‣How to treat SNAC and SLAC wrist (same algorithm)?‣What surgical options before PRC or 4CF?‣Between 4CF and PRC what are the expected ROM and grip strength?‣What other fusions you aware of?‣What is 4 corner fusion?‣What is Proximal Row Carpectomy?‣Any concerns for PRC in young patient? Why?‣4CF vs PRC for SLAC and SNAC?