TopicHipPodcastUpdated‣What is the most common bacteria?‣How will you investigate?‣What advanced imaging (if forced to say)?‣What is the MSIS criteria?‣What are the cut off values for the tests?‣What is Alpha defensin?‣What is Biofilm?‣How does the biofilm benefit the bacteria?‣What are the stages of Biofilm formation?‣How do you classify PJI?‣Acute management of PJI?DEFINITIVE MANAGEMENT SCENARIOS‣What if MSIS + and < 3 weeks?‣What are the Pre-requisites for DAIR procedure?‣What do you do in DAIR procedure?‣Any scores to predict DAIR failure?‣Repeat DAIR success rates?‣Does the use of cemented implants increase the risk of PJI?‣What if MSIS + and > 3 weeks?‣What is Sonication?‣What antibiotics can be inserted into the Cement?‣What are the phases of antibiotics elution?‣What if antibiotics are not sensitive to the bacteria?‣Dynamic vs Static spacers? Contraindications to articulating spacer?‣What are the types of dynamic spacers?‣How does porosity of cement affect properties?‣Weight bearing status for spacers?‣How do you manage soft tissue defects?‣How much antibiotic to mix in cement?‣What antibiotic choice and duration?‣Timing between debridement and reimplantation?‣Will you consider single stage revision?‣If patient has poor co-morbid what other options? [Salvage options]‣What if MSIS - (not conclusive)?‣Salvage options?PREVENTION‣Risk factors for PJI?‣How to prevent PJI?‣Antibiotic prophylaxis for Dental Procedures?