TopicSpinePodcastUpdated‣What causes the pain in PID?‣Most common level?‣Classification of Disc?‣Which location of prolapse disc is most common? Why?‣What kind of neurology pattern in Cervical spine vs Lumbar spine?‣What are the nerve root tension signs?‣How to differentiate Conus medullaris vs Cauda Equina?‣What is the natural history of lumbar prolapse?‣Non op Management?‣How do you do a open lumbar discectomy?‣Must you always do laminotomy for discectomy?‣Complications of discectomy?‣Microdiscectomy vs Open discectomy?‣What are some evidence for surgery for disc herniation?‣What do you know of the Maine Lumbar Spine Study (MLSS)?‣How do you consent for XXX? THORACIC DISC HERNIATION‣What are the approaches to the thoracic disc