TopicPaeds OrthoPodcastUpdatedSCENARIO: < 8yo [Herring]SCENARIO > 8yo [Herring]> 10 YO OR ADULT PERTHES HIP‣Why Perthes occur in this age group?‣How do you assess a child with a limp? Differentials?‣Why does Hip pathology lead to knee pain?‣What is Perthes Disease?‣What are the differential diagnosis of perthes?‣What are the risk factors of Perthes?‣What clinical findings? Which ROM is limited?‣What is hinge abduction?‣What are the classical XR features to mention?‣Why is there widened medial joint space?‣What is the best way to detect subluxation?‣What are the stages of this disease?‣How do you classify severity?‣How to differentiate early vs late fragmentation?‣What are the Hip at risk signs (by Catterall)? (5)‣What is the Stulberg Classification?‣When does Coxa magna correlate to the Stulberg?‣What are the outcomes of each Stulberg stage?‣What is the Herring's paper in 2004?‣What is the goal of treatment in Perthes?SCENARIO: < 8yo [Herring]‣How will you manage a < 8 yo with Perthes?SCENARIO > 8yo [Herring]‣How will you manage > 8yo with perthes?‣What are the containment surgeries?‣Why does the GT overgrowth? How to manage?> 10 YO OR ADULT PERTHES HIP In this case, there is likely hinge abduction ➔ likely limited ROM and limited abduction, with trendlenburg gait ➔ will require VALGUS osteotomy‣Why > 10 year old, we see them differently?‣What salvage procedures?‣What are the various shapes of the head?‣What is the sagging rope sign?‣KKH Tutorial and Perthes Treatment Algorithm