TopicTrauma - LLPodcastUpdatedâĢWhat is the classification for pelvic fractures? âĢWhat is the most common pattern?âĢWhich pattern highest risk for urethral injuries?âĢWhere is blood loss usually from? Which type highest blood loss?âĢWhich type has highest concomittant rate of head injury?âĢWhat fracture should lead us to higher suspicion of unstable injury and more serious?âĢWhich nerve root usually injured in Pelvic fractures?âĢWhat special XR views?âĢWhat is the acute management of a hemodynamically unstable patient with pelvic fracture?âĢHow do you apply a pelvic binder?âĢWhat is your acute management?âĢWhat kind of CT-angiogram?âĢHow do you do pelvic packing?âĢWhen will you avoid a pelvic binder?âĢHow long can pelvic binder be left there?âĢWhat kind of Ex-fix will you use? How do you insert them?âĢWhat are relative contraindications to ex fix?âĢWhat are the contraindications to C-clamp?âĢWhat is the definitive management for unstable pelvic fractures?âĢSymphyseal plate vs In-fix?âĢWhat are the safe zones for SIJ screw insertion?âĢWhat are considerations in inserting the sacroiliac screws?FRAGILITY PELVIC FRACTURESâĢWhat classification for fragility pelvic fractures?âĢManagement of fragility pelvic fractures?