TopicMSO - BenignPodcastUpdated‣Description of GCT‣What are the classical 4 radio features by Helm?‣Common areas for GCT?‣What other investigations?‣Pathology of GCT? Histology?‣What is the classification for GCT?‣What is the management of GCT?‣In which patients can you not use methylene blue?‣Is expansile lesion slow or fast?‣Does intra-op adjuvant reduce reccurence rates?‣Why do you choose cement vs bone graft?‣What if GCT is close to breaching the joint and want to preserve joint?‣How do you treat the GCT lung metastases?‣Role of Denosumab? [DO NOT MENTION IN EXAM. V CONTROVERSIAL]‣Role of Bisphosphonates in GCT?‣Surgical Management of GCT algorithm (SOA)‣What is the recurrence rate?