You will be asked to examine the lump
- “There is a lump on the dorsum. No obvious punctum, erythema.”
- “I will go on to evaluate the source of the swelling”
- Evaluate where the lump is from - BSTJAVN - Bone, skin, tendon/ muscle, joint, Artery, Vein, Nerve
- B - soft and not a hard lump
- S - Pinch skin above lump - “not within dermis”
- T - Check tendon movements - “not from tendon”
- Joints
- Check SL joint stability - Kirk Watson test - “no SL joint instability”
- Check DRUJ stability - ballotment test - “no DRUJ instability”
- A - Check pulsatibility - not pulsatile
V - Engorgement test [not for wrist]- N - Check Tinel, check MUR nerves (motor and sensation) - not from nerve
- Special - Transillumination
- If Volar cyst - check allen test‼️