This will be a look and proceed. You will need to show that you are checking off each differential diagnosis.
- Look
- Prominent ulna head noted
- Scars in forearm (previous galeazzi)
- Standard screen
- + Check Forearm pronation supination - may be limited in osteochondroma, madelung
- “I note that there is prominence of the ulna, would like to proceed to identify the cause of this”
- Palpating the forearm - do not note any lumps to suggest forearm osteochondromas, ideally look at other parts of body”
- “I would like to Evaluate the TFCC now”
- Focus on TFCC - do the 4 tests for TFCC
- Palpate the radial head for any proximal radial head deformity for Essexx Lopresti Injury
- Check PL tendon for recon options
- Will also Rule out other causes of ulnar sided problems
- ECU synergy test
- Tender FCU at pisiform