Foot and Ankle
You will be asked to examine the foot
- Look - swelling over dorsum of 1st MTPJ
- Risk factors - pes planus, hallux valgus
- Gait - walking on outer border (supinate foot on ambulation due to unable to push off properly)
- Loss of third rocker in push off w great toe. No dorsiflexion of great toe
- Sit and Look -
- Shoes - lateral shoe wear due to reasons above (walking on outer border)
- Foot - callus, transfer metatarsalgia calluses
- Assess ROM of MTPJ; range of tenderness - terminal vs mid ROM?
- Affects your classification
- Assess ROM of IPJ - may affect decision for fusion (cannot fuse if IPJ is already stuff)
- Special test - grind test
- Neurovascular status!
- May have numbness due to osteophyte impingement of dorsomedial cutaneous nerve
- Complete my exam by asking history TRO Gout in the 1st MTPJ